Deadlines, deadlines….

Dec. 1: VAR AE Scholarship application. Please don't forget to include the letter from your Association President RCE Application. Submit your REALTOR® association Certified Executive (RCE) applicant data form (ADF) to be eligible to take the Spring 2009 RCE exam. Complete a one-minute application to see how close you are to obtaining the required points … Continue reading Deadlines, deadlines….

Pick & Choose: Loads of Virginia Homeowners Alliance Resources Available

In the past couple of months a few of you have invited me to speak to broker groups about the Virginia Homeowners Alliance and how their agents promoting it can help put money in their pockets. The response has been terrific.  I've never seen brokers more enthusiastic about a VAR program.  I'd love to come … Continue reading Pick & Choose: Loads of Virginia Homeowners Alliance Resources Available

Bylaws Cleanup Subcommittee meets this Wednesday

Structure & Representation WG Chairman Kit Hale has appointed Prince William Assn AE Denise Rosendaal to chair a small subcommittee charged with reviewing the VAR Bylaws and recommending to the full WG any cleanup and clarifying changes the Bylaws may need. (A separate subcommittee has been appointed to flesh-out a proposal on Policy Board structure/election … Continue reading Bylaws Cleanup Subcommittee meets this Wednesday

VLA Retreat locations for 2009

In case you're interested, the VLA Trustees have chosen sites for the four VLA retreats for 2009, as follows: January 13-15:  Stonewall Jackson Hotel, Staunton April 21-23:  Mariners Landing on Smith Mountain Lake July 21-23:  Roslyn Retreat Center, Richmond September (at Convention):  The Homestead, Hot Springs

VAR adds value (= content) to your next member newsletter

Maybe you need a little extra material for your next member newsletter. Or perhaps an MLS login message is more your speed. Whatever your preference, VAR has a few helpful suggestions for your next communication to members. Following are some blurbs you can use in upcoming member communications about VAR benefits your members can take … Continue reading VAR adds value (= content) to your next member newsletter

You heard it here first: All-member RPAC endorsement email…

Next week (likely Wednesday-ish) we're planning to send an all-member email listing the Congressional and US Senate candidates RPAC is supporting in the upcoming election. The email will contain a photo of each candidate, as well as a brief (very) explanation of why RPAC is supporting that candidate.  And of course we'll encourage members to … Continue reading You heard it here first: All-member RPAC endorsement email…

Er, what we meant…

I have been asked to point out the the reference to "Bad member addresses" in the previous post should have read "bad addresses for members." We, of course, don't have any "bad members," only "bad addresses." That's my story and I'm sticking to it.